Sensations , the seductress

La cuvée Sensations est un champagne très gourmand. Dans la catégorie extra-dry, il nous fait voyager dans le temps pour nous rappeler les champagnes d'antan


La cuvée Sensation a obtenu la médaille d'or au concours international Gilbert et Gaillard 2016


Gold medal at the international competition Gilbert & Gaillard 2021


Gold medal at the Feminalise competition

jury composed only of women 2022


Guide Hachette 2023

A charming shell with passion colors which hide

a nectar all in greed.

Sensations is the forbidden fruit, the ladies' weakness.

This youngest, it's the vintage that we imagine all in roundness. An extra-dry champagne with aphrodisiac qualities ? It's up to you...


Pale gold, lightly and lively bubbles

Floral stewed fruit, cooked grapes

Gentle sensations of yesteryear, balance between lightness dried fruit and long finish

Suggestion of food and wine pairing


Ideal partner of  sweet and sour mouths, foie gras and of course of your desserts !

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